Monday 13 July 2009

Farm Town - get rich quick?

Some of you may remember my posts about making money in Farm Town on facebook, well with the advent of the new crops things have changed a little.

Raspberries especially now allow those of you with far too much time on your hands to plant about 11 rounds of crops, yes its true that Raspberries sell for less than grapes but don't forget that it's time in the ground that counts and just because of the sheer amount of Raspberries you can plant in any one day in Farm Town makes it the candidate for the most profitable crop!

Those of you who like to have a life outside of Farm Town might like to know that as far as my quick calculations show Blueberries are now the King of the three day crop giving you a profit of 197 Farm Town coins (excluding seed costs) per unit. Previously Onions were the best three day crop giving you 168 Farm Town coins.

I suspect that over the next few months we'll start to see people earning a lot more!

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