Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Farm Town - Plow multiple fields

There's a new update in Farm Town and it introduces the ability to plow multiple fields. Regular readers of my Farm Town Blog might recall that I suggested this is exactly how multiple plowing might work back in June when the "watering" feature was introduced.

While we're looking at the image take note - if they ever do add the ability to plough and sow large areas in Farm Town this is how it may well look: a large "cursor area" rather than the "drag selection" that some have suggested.
You can read that post here.

So how does it all work, well you click the plowing tool and you are presented with three options: x1, x2 and x4

you then hover over the spot you want to plough and away you go.

This is going to be a real time saver for all of those industrial farm town farmers out there... though of course it will now mean you have more free time on your hands and might actually have to go and do some real life stuff, like wash the dishes, the kids or even yourself!

A number of my friends have however reported problems when farmers that you hire use these tools, often they don't get paid coins or xp and in some cases it deletes the harvested field and returns it to it's "grassy" state.

So now we just need to sow multiple fields!

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