Thursday 30 July 2009

Farm Town Gift Glitch

I've been plagued by a pretty annoying Farm Town glitch in the last few weeks. When I go to send my friends and neighbours a gift it doesn't display a the list of names... and when I click on send it obviously tells me I need to select somebody. Really annoying!

If I've not sent you a Farm Town gift recently you now know why!

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Farm Town - Plow multiple fields

There's a new update in Farm Town and it introduces the ability to plow multiple fields. Regular readers of my Farm Town Blog might recall that I suggested this is exactly how multiple plowing might work back in June when the "watering" feature was introduced.

While we're looking at the image take note - if they ever do add the ability to plough and sow large areas in Farm Town this is how it may well look: a large "cursor area" rather than the "drag selection" that some have suggested.
You can read that post here.

So how does it all work, well you click the plowing tool and you are presented with three options: x1, x2 and x4

you then hover over the spot you want to plough and away you go.

This is going to be a real time saver for all of those industrial farm town farmers out there... though of course it will now mean you have more free time on your hands and might actually have to go and do some real life stuff, like wash the dishes, the kids or even yourself!

A number of my friends have however reported problems when farmers that you hire use these tools, often they don't get paid coins or xp and in some cases it deletes the harvested field and returns it to it's "grassy" state.

So now we just need to sow multiple fields!

Friday 17 July 2009

Farm Town - Avoiding the Marketplace Beggars

Begging in farm town really can get on peoples nerves. The Marketplace can be an iffy place to visit with people begging, being abusive and using Farm Town cheats to trick you into hiring people.

If you get fed up of the marketplace but still need to visit it to sell your crops (though you can do from your storage) here's how to do it:

1) Click the connection button and disconnect yourself

2) Visit the marketplace and Voila! It's empty and you can still sell your Farm Town crops!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Farm Town Carrots

I just had to post this pick of the carrots growing in Farm Town.

The tops look very pretty - a bit like a dandelion head!

Monday 13 July 2009

Farm Town - get rich quick?

Some of you may remember my posts about making money in Farm Town on facebook, well with the advent of the new crops things have changed a little.

Raspberries especially now allow those of you with far too much time on your hands to plant about 11 rounds of crops, yes its true that Raspberries sell for less than grapes but don't forget that it's time in the ground that counts and just because of the sheer amount of Raspberries you can plant in any one day in Farm Town makes it the candidate for the most profitable crop!

Those of you who like to have a life outside of Farm Town might like to know that as far as my quick calculations show Blueberries are now the King of the three day crop giving you a profit of 197 Farm Town coins (excluding seed costs) per unit. Previously Onions were the best three day crop giving you 168 Farm Town coins.

I suspect that over the next few months we'll start to see people earning a lot more!

Saturday 11 July 2009

Farm Town - Finally hire friends to Plow

It's finally here - the update we've all been asking for. We can now hire our neighbors, friends and folk from the marketplace to plow our Farm Town farms!

  1. Employees make 5 coins per field plowed.
  2. Employers's cost is reduced to 10 or 15, depending if the employee is a neighbour or not.
  3. Employees can only plow on fields that have been harvested, or that have gone to waste.

Also there are some great new crops :

  • Pineapple
  • Blueberry
  • Carrots
  • Pepper
  • Cotton
  • Raspberry

Cotton is a four day crop and raspberry a two hour crop... i'll have a look later o see which is the most profitable - but if you already know do post and tell!

Also there are some great new flowers :

  • Pink Tulips
  • Purple Crocus
  • Yellow Lilies
  • Red Poppies
  • Orange Poppies
  • Yellow Poppies
  • Red Crocus
  • Daffodils

Finally the camera function has been updated and you can now take a "zoomed in" photo!

Thursday 2 July 2009

Rotate a house in Farm Town

A number of people have been coming to this blog after searching on google with the term "How to rotate a house in Farm Town"

Unfortunately it can't be done I'm afraid - currently the only versions of the houses are the ones you see, the Farm Town graphic designers simply didn't create alternative angles. However that's not to say they won't in the future and if I recall correctly it has been submitted to them as a request.